~ This site is updated as frequently as possible. However, if you do not see your event on here, please contact Clare here for a copy of your written materials.~
Clare Fowler recently attended the International Ombuds Association Conference in Virginia, speaking about the history of workplace conflict.
She conducted a 40-hr Basic Mediation Training at the University of Oregon School of Law in June.
Dr. Fowler will also be speaking at the Association for Conflict Resolution Conference in Pittsburgh about designing preventative options for managing employee disputes.
She has been writing a guide for HR Offices, and hopes to publish next year.
October 2014: Association for Professional Family Mediators Conference
October 2014: Speaker at the Association for Conflict Resolution
September 2014: Selected as the tri-Conference Chair for the 2015 Association for Conflict Resolution
August 2014: Research and writing "vacation"
August 2014: Online mediation case management presentation to the National Association for Community Mediation
July 2014: Consultant for book on workplace dispute resolution
June 2014: Investigation of employee misconduct; submitted a systems redesign report
June 2014: Attended the Online Dispute Resolution Symposium at Stanford University
May 2014: Association for Family and Conciliation Courts in Toronto, CAN
April 7-11, 2014: Basic Mediation Training, 40 hours, Spokane, WA. Info here. Training outline here.
April 2-5, 2014: American Bar Association, Section of Dispute Resolution annual conference, Miami, FL
October 2013: Presented at the Association for Conflict Resolution
July 2013: Interviewed by MONEY Magazine for an article about how to have a difficult conversation about money, in a way to prevent conflict
June 2013: Attended the Professional Skills Program at Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution, Pepperdine Law
June 2013: Announced the launch of Online Basic Mediation Training
June 2013: Interviewed for an article about careers in mediation
May 2013: Attended the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts in Los Angeles, CA
April 2013: Teaching a Basic Mediation Training in Spokane, WA
>Course Resources: Dudley Keys
>Course Resources: Basic Mediation Training Outline
April 2013: Attended the American Bar Association - Section of Dispute Resolution conference in Chicago, IL
February 2013: Facilitated multi-million software company change and new business start-up
February 2013: Wrote a chapter for a book on families in conflict
January 2013: Mediated governmental workplace dispute
December 2012: Mediated technology workplace dispute, involving a small business and a mega-company
November 2, 2012: Companies in Conflict.
Clare Fowler presented on her dissertation data, showing the most effective way to prevent and resolve conflicts for small businesses. Entire presentation available upon request.
October 30, 2012: Moving Your Practice Online -- entire presentation.
Clare Fowler presented on being intentional in moving your practice online. Protecting clients' information and using technology to best serve our clients. The presentation was for Creighton University.
October 3, 2012: Dissertation Defense
Clare Fowler successfully defended her doctoral data in front of a faculty committee. The dissertation studied: Workplace Conflict: Understanding Conflict Types, Resolution Processes, and Consequences in Small Businesses. A pdf of the dissertation data is available upon request.
September 2012: Attended and exhibited at the APFM Conference in Cape Cod, MA
September 13, 2012: Howard Community College, Maryland, Training for managers and staff.
June 19-22, 2012: Attended and exhibited at Pepperdine's Straus Institute Professional Skills Porgram in Malibu, CA
April 2012: Attended and exhibited at the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution in Washington, DC.
November 28, 2011: Taught Organizational Conflict Course, Guest Lecturer at the University of Oregon
September - December, 2012: Adjunct Faculty, Taught Introduction to Conflict Resolution, 410, course at the University of Oregon
October 26, 2011: Presentation to CADRE Symposium, Future of ADR, with Jim Melamed, in Eugene, OR
April 16, 2011: The Future is Here: Online Marketing
Jim Melamed and Clare Fowler presented on Online Dispute Resolution at the American Bar Association's Section of Dispute Resolution in Denver, CO.
April 6, 2011: "Ombuds Solving Conflict in Small Business."
Speaker at the International Ombuds Association Conference in Portland, OR.
Clare's presentation will soon be uploaded. You may download a copy of her speaking materials.
March 29, 2011: "Is Fairly Legal Fairly Relevant?"
Clare was a guest on the Talk Radio Show, Texas Conflict Coach. The host was Pattie Porter, the moderator was Zena Zumeta. Other speakers on the show were Jeff Thompson of ADRHub and Rita Callahan.
February 5, 2011: Consultant for Wall Street Journal Article about mediating elder disputes.
November, 2010: Clare was a judge for the University of Oregon, School of Law and Masters of Conflict Resolution mediation competition.