Clare Fowler Mediation
Who We Are > Fees

Mediation Fees

Mediation Fees: $250/hour. 

Non-profit Mediation Fees: $150/hour.

The prices shown above indicate mediation being done either online, face-to-face, or a hybrid of both. Online mediations are done via Zoom Video Communications. Once scheduled, Dr. Fowler will send you a link to the Zoom meeting for the predetermined time. 

Documenting and preparation fees are typically included in the price shown above. Payment can be made via check at the beginning of each mediation session or to . Zelle also available.

Company Training

Trainings are designed to meet individual company needs. Common Training includes three phases: 

  • Group Communication/Conflict Prevention Training
  • Workflow Process Training
  • Management Leadership Coaching

Training Fees 

Training Fees: $2,000/day. or $250/hour.  This includes material preparation, travel, and post-training follow-up. 

Request Mediation, Coaching, or Training sessions here.  Please specify your desired dates.


Choose a service (training, mediation, etc) and book here.



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