Clare Fowler Mediation
What We Do > Training > Training Request Form

Thank you for your interest in choosing Fowler Mediation for your training needs.

In order to provide you with the most effective training, please fill out the form below as completely as possible.  



first last
Contact Phone #
Training Title
Start Time
End Time
Additional info
Parking info
Number of anticipated participants
Additional observers
The trainer is able to provide projector, screen, and speakers. However it is preferable to use on-site equipment. Do you have these available?
Is a breakout room available?
Will refreshments be provided for participants?
Will a white-erase board and markers be available?
Will lunch be provided for participants?
Will participants be able to have a working lunch?
Will this training address an existing, escalated conflict?
Have previous dispute resolution attempts been made?
Any Additional Information
Verification (to make sure you're human)

Enter the text you see in image (or refresh for new text)

Note: Please do not include any URLs in form.




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