Basic Online 40-Hour Mediation Training is divided up into 5 Phases
Phase 1: Statement 1.0 Introduction to the Training 5 minutes of training + 5 minutes of homework 1.1 Introduction to the SONAR Process 5 minutes of training + 5 minutes of homework 1.2 Mediation Forms 3 minutes of training + 15 minutes of homework 1.3 Drafting Mediator Statement 45 minutes of training + 20 minutes of homework 1.4 Refining Mediator Statement 30 minutes of training + 10 minutes of homework 1.5 Mediator Materials 15 minutes of training + 10 minutes of homework 1.6 Conflict Path 45 minutes of training + 10 minutes of homework 1.7 Ground Rules 35 minutes of training + 10 minutes of homework 1.8 Elements of Mediator Statement 25 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework 1.9 Practicing Mediator Statement 65 minutes of training + 30 minutes of homework 1.10 Review Mediator Statement 65 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework Phase 2: Opening 2.1 Statement Review 15 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework 2.2 The Art of Listening 25 minutes of training + 15 minutes of homework 2.3 Listening in Mediation 15 minutes of training + 30 minutes of homework 2.4 Put Your Self on the Shelf: Reflections on Listening 25 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework 2.5 Note-Taking During Opening 40 minutes of training + 15 minutes of homework 2.6 Concise Communication and Intentional Listening 30 minutes of training + 30 minutes of homework 2.7 Reviewing Role-Play 10 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework 2.8 Reviewing Co-Mediation 20 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework 2.9 Steaming and Reframing 40 minutes of training + 45 minutes of homework 2.10 Reframing Practice 5 minutes of training + 10 minutes of homework 2.11 Reframing Review 20 minutes of training + 10 minutes of homework 2.12 Questions About Reframing 10 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework 2.13 Power Imbalances 15 minutes of training + 10 minutes of homework 2.14 Summary of Party Opening 30 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework Phase 3: Negotiation 3.1 Definition of Mediation 15 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework 3.2 Car Negotiation 45 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework 3.3 Note-Taking During Parties’ Opening 60 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework 3.4 Reactions to Conflict 60 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework 3.5 Negotiation Agenda 10 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework 3.6 Negotiation Tools 20 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework 3.7 Advanced Negotiation Tools 40 minutes of training + 5 minutes of homework 3.8 Demonstrating Different Mediator Styles 85 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework 3.9 Reviewing Role-Play and Summary of Negotiation 60 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework Phase 4: Agreement 4.1 The Mediation Agreement 60 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework 4.2 Practicing Statement, Opening, Negotiation, and Agreement 15 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework 4.3 Creating the Agreement 60 minutes of training + 15 minutes of homework 4.4 Orchestrating the Mediation Agreement 80 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework 4.5 Creating Durable Agreements 75 minutes of training + 30 minutes of homework 4.6 Mediation Role-Play and Debrief 15 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework 4.7 Summarizing the Agreement Phase 100 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework Phase 5: Resolution 5.1 Different Personalities in Mediation 45 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework 5.2 Introducing Resolution 18 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework 5.3 Identifying Your Mediator Strengths 60 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework 5.4 Identifying Your Mediation Style 25 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework 5.5 Resolution Benefits 20 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework 5.6 Prepping for Multi-Party Mediation 10 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework 5.7 Home-Owner Role-Play 120 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework 5.8 SONAR Process Review 90 minutes of training + 0 minutes of homework Back to Course info here.